Scanning Documents With Your iPhone:

1. Launch the notes app.

2. Tap on “New Note”.

3. Tap the camera button just above keyboard.

4. Tap “Scan Documents” from the options provided.

5. Point your phone at the document as if you were to take a picture of it, iPhones with current software will detect the page and signify this with a yellow box as it tries to identify the edges of the document. While holding the camera still the phone will automatically save the document and it will appear to hop down to the left of the screen.

a. Should the iPhone not be able to detect the edges automatically, tap the shutter button to take the picture anyways. The phone will then allow you to adjust the scanning window to align the 4 corners of the page. Simply touch and drag the circles to the corner of the page. Tap “Keep Scan” in the lower right corner of the screen once you have located the window over the document.

6. Continue to take pictures of all documents needed, the camera will stay open and ready until you are complete. Tap the “Save” button when you are finished scanning.

a. The “Save” button will also have a number in parentheses to indicate how many documents were scanned, this number should match the number of documents you wish to share.

7. After tapping “Save” your phone will bring you back to your note and display your documents as a thumbnail. Tap on the thumbnail to preview them and edit the file name.

a. To rename the file tap the words “Scanned Document” at the top of the screen, your phone will then present a keyboard to rename the file. Please label the file with your first and last name.

8. Once your documents are scanned and properly named, use the button below to upload via our secure, encrypted, and federally compliant portal.